modern homesteading

What does this term mean to us?

This is a term used differently for many, however, the base of the term (in our definition) is a person who lives on their property whether that is an apartment, 1 acre, 10 acres or 100 acres they aid in their self-sustainability and self-reliance by growing some or all of their own food whether that be vegetables, fruit, nuts, or meat.

Put quite simply >> whether you live in a rural setting or an urban setting you can start where you are, in your space, and begin with as much as is comfortable for you.

The key is becoming comfortable is with one step and then add additional steps as you are proficient with the outcome. Don’t get overwhelmed and remember “every learned task is a new task to add to your life library” or should we say “homestead skills”.

You will have some compare it to being pioneers … this is something I would disagree with. Modern homesteading allows conveniences of modern life (if desired), yet has the old-fashioned ‘tried and true’ methods that work. Methods that are wholesome. Not consumerism and instant gratification. Hard work with wonderful results for you and your family.